Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

Games of the Small States of Europe
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Games of the Small States of Europe.png

Games of the Small Sates of Europe (GSSE) is a sporting event for the smaller countries in Europe, was first launched in the Republic of San Marino, which is organized by and featuring the National Olympic Committee of 8 small countries in Europe since 1985. The event this was held in early June, and features competition in nine sports Summer Olympics.
GSSE held once two years. This event will take place in June 2011 in Liechtenstein. [1]

table of contents

     1 Member States
     2 List of sports that matched
     3 event

     4 Achievements
     5 References
     6 External links

member states
GSSE member states.

Organized by members of the European Olympic Committee (EOC). From beginning to form in the 1984 Olympics and 2009 there were eight members; The ninth member of the group was added in 2009. All the members having a population less than one million. Participating countries are:


      Montenegro *
      San Marino

(*) Montenegro became GSSE ninth state on June 1, 2009; at a meeting held at the Olympic Games in 2009 probably.

  Faroe Islands are seeking also competed in the Olympics, but, unlike the other participants, the Faroe Islands is not a sovereign state (the Faroe Islands are autonomous province of Denmark) or any member of the EOC.

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